Mothers’ return to the labor market: The importance of online training

Mothers' return to the labor market

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Mothers’ return to the labor market: The importance of online training

According to research by the London Business School, 70% of women worry when they want to take a career break due to marriage or childbirth, as returning to work is difficult. The management of marriage and motherhood are large factors that determine the professional success rate of women. Women need stable support systems that can enable more and more housewives and mothers to return to work after getting married or having a child.

«Education is the single most important means of empowering women with the knowledge, skills and confidence to make meaningful contributions to the future of their families and communities», said Lila Ibrahim, Coursera’s COO and former CEO Intel consultant.

Mothers' return to the labor market
Mothers’ return to the labor market

With the wide gender gap in the wages of men and women in all sectors of industry, the return of housewives and mothers to work seems to be an immediate concern in balancing the gender factor in the economic scenario. The potential to reach working mothers who would not have the time to acquire new skills to advance their careers without the flexibility of an online training platform is well known.

Balancing home and work

It is vital for women to stay up-to-date in this rapidly changing work environment. According to research by the London Business School, 70 percent of women worry when they want to take a career break due to marriage or childbirth. This is because getting back into the circuit becomes a difficult job without any ecosystem that allows them to do it smoothly and efficiently. Women who have taken a break fear being left behind in this dynamic job network and need to re-skill before they can get back into the workforce.

Online education empowers women

Online asynchronous education providers play a big role bridging the gap between where women are after having children and where they want to be. Due to the lack of other readily available sources of training and retraining, most women turn to the Internet to acquire new skills during their time at home, to refresh their professional skills, or even to acquire new ones before applying for a job .

Similar online learning platforms offer courses that adapt to the pace, availability and needs of each individual student, allowing them to manage their time and attend classes at their own convenience. Similarly, Rise Club provides online classes taking into account available times and days based on mothers’ busy schedules.

For mothers considering returning to work, the key is to locate online courses that can help build confidence and skills for the next step in their career. For example, for women who are thinking of starting their own businesses, our organization has courses on entrepreneurship and management. For women who want to improve their technical skills, there are courses in data science, programming and business analytics in partnership with Cisco. Thus, Rise Club, through free online courses, supports mothers to re-integrate in the labor market.

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